Classic Nog - for one.
0.75oz spiced rum (we use Kraken)
- 0.75oz Benedictine
- 0.75oz Irish cream liqueur
- 1 whole egg (YEUP, a real, whole egg - no shell though)
- 3 dashes (30 drops) Walnuts n' Spice bitters
Add all ingredients to your shaker tin and add 3 ice cubes. Shake as hard as you can until everything is well whipped together. Add more ice and shake another ~15 times. Fine strain into your favourite glass and garnish with cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg.
Chocolate Nog-tail (Dairy Free!)
1oz spiced rum (we use Kraken)
- 1oz Benedictine
- 1oz Chocolate & Cinnamon syrup
- 1 whole egg (YEUP, a real, whole egg - no shell though)
- 3 dashes (30 drops) Walnuts n' Spice bitters
Add all ingredients to your shaker tin and add 3 ice cubes. Shake as hard as you can until everything is well whipped together. Add more ice and shake another ~15 times. Fine strain into your favourite glass and garnish with cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg.
Mulled Wine on the Rocks
4oz table red
- 1.5oz brandy
- 0.75oz Cherry Bomb syrup
- 0.5oz Amaretto (optional)
- Orange twist
Grab your favourite wine glass, fill it about 2/4 the way with ice, and pour all the ingredients into your glass. Cut an orange twist from a fresh and firm orange using a paring knife or a vegetable peeler. Take the cut rind and twist it ensuring all the oils go into the drink, give it a quick stir and enjoy!
Fall for Cranberry
- 1.5oz Wiseacre Gin #13
- 0.5oz Wiseacre Cranberry Rosemary Liqueur
- 0.25oz fresh orange juice
- 0.5oz Honey Maker syrup
- 2 dashes (20 drops) Walnuts n' Spice bitters
- Orange twist
Add all ingredients to your shaker tin (except for orange twist). Add ice and
shake vigorously for about 15 seconds. Fine strain into a coupe or rocks glass.
Carefully cut or peel a strip of orange with as minimal pith as possible and
express the rind over the drink ensuring the oils get into the cocktail and
around the rim of the glass. Place the rind inside the drink and enjoy!